After utilizing the tools provided on this website, you now have a better understanding of whether your current life is balanced and which life roles require more active participation.
Now, we can try setting life goals based on the different roles we play, which will help us reshape a balanced life.
Family member
By adhering to the five principles of setting "SMART" goals, you can establish a goal that will drive you forward and gradually reshape your life.
Goals should be clearly defined and focused, outlining specific actions or activities, as well as identifying the individuals, locations, and resources involved.
Please fill in the goals in the blanks according to this principle.
*No more than 100 words*
A well-defined goal should include quantifiable aspects that can be used as indicators of progress or success.
Try filling in the frequency of the action.
*No more than 100 words*
We need to ensure that the goal is achievable.
On a scale of 0 to 10, describe how confident you are that you will accomplish your goals.
Take a close look at the resources required for your plan, such as individuals involved, location, tools, and time.
Please review the resources required for the following goals to see if any adjustments are needed.
Life role would you like to improve:
We need to determine when to start and when to review the goal.
Please select a start and review date below. For example: Starting this week, review once a month.
The statements made by users are their personal opinions and do not reflect the official stance of this website.
I hope you can achieve your life goals as soon as possible,
Please continue to work hard!